Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Just a List Wednesday: Put it on Paper

I love technology; the internet is kind of my life. I love my phone, twitter, tumblr, feedly, blogging, and animal crossing and I have no clue what my life would be without technology. Even though I love using my phone and laptop for almost everything, I just can't use them for dates and lists. I have to write down what I'm doing in the upcoming days and weeks in a planner and I have to use, so I'm going to be recommending my favorite planners/ notepads/ writing utensils for all of your planning and list making needs!

agenda // legal pad // legal pad // pens
1. Lilly Pulitzer Agenda: I have been using Lilly Pulitzer's large agendas for two years now and I love them. The have the perfect amount of space for writing in homework for all seven of my classes, plus more space for writing in extracurricular activities or other events before or after school. There are weekly and monthly sections so you can see the whole month ahead of time or just the week in advance. Lilly agendas are by far the best agendas I have ever used. $28; Lifegaurd Press
2. Poppin Legal Pad: I may have a slight obsession with legal pads. Poppin's legal pads have an adorable cover and I love how they have actual sections for the title, date, and number of the page. I might like them so much because these headers remind me of the lab notebooks we use in Biotech. (Can you tell I'm a science nerd yet?) $16 for 10; Poppin
3. Ampad Legal Pad: Even though this legal pad isn't as ascetically pleasing as the Poppin one, I like using this one more. It pretty much has the same headings as the other legal pad, but all of the lines are numbered on both sides (!) of the page, so I like using these more. $2.99; Amazon
4. Paper Mate Pens: My friend has these pens and I love them so much. I tried the Ink Joy 300 pens and they were too thin for me and ran out of ink way too quickly. I like writing with thicker pens, so I love these. They write smoothly and come in a variety of colors, which is good for taking notes. $16.49; Staples

That's all for my favorite papery products! If you have any products you just love to use when writing, leave them below!

Are you a paper or phone person when it comes to planning?

Monday, January 6, 2014

Monday Quote: Glasses

I am a glasses wearing girl and I have no problem with that! I love wearing my glasses and they add some personality to my look without having to put any effort into wearing them. So this week, I have a quote for all of my bespectacled girls out there!

Do you wear glasses or do you prefer wearing contacts?

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy 2014!

Happy 2014 to all of my lovely blog readers! 
I hope you ended 2013 and began 2014 on a high note.

I'm here being the stereotypical human being to make some new years resolutions.

1. I want to blog weekly on both of my blogs. Blogging is such a positive thing I do and I definitely want to continue to contribute my thoughts to the internet to share them with the amazing blogging community!
2. I am going to attempt to start a youtube channel where I post stuff about k-pop, animal crossing, being diabetic, and just about my life in general.
3. I will be more focused on school. I get distracted easily (Mostly by the internet. Oops,) so I definitely want to be able to come home, take a 15 minute break, then get straight into homework and studying so I can stress less. 
4. I WILL WASH MY FACE EVERY DAY. I am so flaky when it comes to washing my face and it definitely shows, so I will be washing my face twice daily.
5. I will get dressed every day this year. I am so much more productive when I am not laying around in my pajamas, so this will be done.
6. I want to successfully participate in photo a day challenges this year. I always start them, but always seem to forget to finish them.
7. I will read two books for fun every month. Reading is so relaxing and I can barely do it because of school, so two books per month is a reasonable goal. (I promise that I would just love to read many more books, but my schedule with school and extra-curricular activities just doesn't warrant lots of down time for books.) Any suggestions for books would be very helpful. No John Green, paranormal teen romance, or just romance in general, unless they are absolutely amazing reads, please. Here's my list of books I've already read.

Do you make New Year's resolutions? If so, what are they?